Make a payment to the club

Payment by Check

Make checks payable to Rotary Club of Oak Ridge, designating in the memo line for what the payment is to be designated. Mail to PO Box 4183, Oak Ridge, TN 37831.

Online Payments & Donations

Use the links below to make payments to the club for Dues & Meals, Annual Fund Donations, Polio Plus donations, and Happy Dollar donations. Please enter the purpose in the transaction description field, as shown below.




Make a donation to the Community Fund

Donations to the Oak Ridge Rotary Community Fund are funds that fall under our Community Fund's nonprofit status. These funds are tax deductible and can be directed for use in club service projects.


If these funds are to be designated for a specific purpose, please note that in the transaction description field of the payment portal.


Make a donation to Rotary International

Rotary International's funds are used to support programs and services that help members achieve their transformative work. This includes grants, scholarships, vocational training, and humanitarian projects. The Rotary Foundation's Annual Fund includes the World Fund, SHARE, and other areas of focus funds. Donations to the Annual Fund help Rotary and Rotaract clubs support initiatives that address issues such as:
  • Peace: Training future peacemakers and strengthening peace efforts
  • Disease: Fighting disease and saving mothers and children
  • Water: Providing clean water and sanitation
  • Education: Supporting education
  • Environment: Protecting the environment
  • Local economies: Growing local economies


About Rotary Club Donations

To learn more about club donations, including club donation guidelines, giving recognition levels, and funds supported by our club, please download the Rotary Club Donations Brochure.

Donations Brochure Image



Weekly Bulletin